Help the Emperor Rebuild the Eternal Palace From Publisher Alley Cat Games

Photo: Alley Cat Games

Photo: Alley Cat Games

Publisher Alley Cat Games is currently running a Kickstarter campaign for Eternal Palace, a dice based Euro board game for 1 - 5 players designed by Steven Aramini whose previous work includes popular games like Sprawlopolis and Animal Kingdoms.

“The Eternal Palace has fallen into disrepair. As the leader of a noble house seeking the favour of the Emperor you plan to aid in its reconstruction. Collect the materials you need to contribute to rebuilding the Palace monuments, and commemorate the restoration by creating a beautiful painting of his beloved gardens Will your efforts catch the eye of the Emperor, or will your rival nobles be honoured instead? Only one house will win the Emperor’s ultimate recognition.

In this game, your team of workers is represented by dice, and by placing them on the game board you contribute towards rebuilding the different parts of the Eternal Palace. Each location is reached based on dice rolls, but if others have gone to an otherwise inaccessible location, you may visit it too by paying fish, one of the resources in the game. Complete tasks first — or contribute more than your competitors to these monuments — to earn tokens reflecting your overall effort. Recruit new workers to your team, and use the painting pieces you receive as each location is unlocked to "paint" a record of your work, layer by layer.

In the Solo Mode, you'll play against the Master, an AI opponent. The Solo mode plays similarly to a 2 player game but after you've grouped your dice the Master's dice groups are determined by the flip of a card. When it's the master's turn he will decide where to go, first checking if any of his dice values are the same as yours (in which case he'll try to beat you there) then checking which dice spots gain him a benefit (like going up a track or taking a monument). The solo mode also has different sets of cards that can be used, which gives the master a different feel every time. This makes the solo mode very variable and offers a lot of replayability!” - description by the publisher

Photo: Alley Cat Games

Photo: Alley Cat Games

Source: Kickstarter


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