Return to Vietnam in Purple Haze From Publisher PHALANX
“I see a red door and I want to paint it… purple?” Publisher PHALANX has launched a crowdfunding campaign in order to bring Purple Haze to fruition. Set in 1967 during the Vietnam war, 1 - 4 players take on the roles of US Marines as they try to trek their way to safety following a helicopter crash. Combing a narrative campaign with tactical squad-based combat, Purple Haze will span over eight missions during which your squad will have to face harrowing situations and make tormenting decisions along the way out of the jungle.
“Over the course of eight interlinked missions, you'll lead a squad of US Marines through the dense jungles, flooded rice paddies, and straw-thatched villages of 1967 war-torn South Vietnam. You’ll often have to make gut-wrenching decisions as you encounter Story Events that form the core storyline of each mission. Your choices and the consequences of your actions will create the next exciting branch of the story and may affect later parts of the larger campaign.
At the start of each mission, you'll be given a primary and secondary objective to complete. Regardless of your success or failure, you'll progress on to the next mission, but the rewards you’ll receive for completing the mission may prove to be critical for the entire campaign. Marines in your squad will develop capabilities and specializations between missions by gaining hard-won experience. This will, however, be offset by the mental and physical injuries that they’ll suffer during these missions – some persisting throughout the entire campaign and some leading to their deaths or permanent mental debilitation.
Each Marine you'll command will be unique, with his own background story and character traits, much like in a role-playing game. At different points during the mission, Marines will be called upon to perform various tasks, and fight the enemy. They'll use a variety of deadly weapons, equipment, and tactics to achieve victory – or, in some more desperate encounters – simply survive.” - description by the publisher
For more information about Purple Haze, head on over to the official Gamefound crowdfunding page.
Source: Gamefound